Bio identical Hormone treatment Prescott Valley, AZ - Hormone Harmony Clinic

What are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are hormones that are chemically identical to those naturally produced and circulating within the human body. They are custom-made in compounding pharmacies to match the unique hormone levels and ratios needed by each individual patient.

Unlike synthetic hormones used in conventional hormone replacement therapy (HRT), bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structure as the hormones made by the ovaries and testes in men and women. This allows the body to recognize and properly metabolize them.

Some of the most commonly used bioidentical hormones include:

Key benefits of bioidentical hormone therapy provided by our clinic include improved energy, sleep, mood, mental sharpness, exercise performance, weight management, sexual function, bone health, heart health, and an overall enhanced quality of life.

Why Choose Hormone Harmony Clinic for Bioidentical HRT?

Hormone Harmony Clinic has over 15 years of experience specializing exclusively in customized bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT).

We are led by endocrinologist Dr. Smith, who is dual board-certified in Internal Medicine and Endocrinology. He has additional certifications in Age Management Medicine, making him one of the most highly qualified bioidentical hormone specialists in Prescott Valley and the surrounding areas.

Dr. Smith partnered with our on-site compounding pharmacy to provide patients with unequaled convenience, service, and care. Having both his clinic and our pharmacy under one roof streamlines the treatment process considerably for patients.

What distinguishes Hormone Harmony Clinic from other hormone therapy providers is our integrative, comprehensive, patient-centered approach focused on:

Our services

Personalized Care and Customization

Lifestyle Optimization

This multi-pronged approach addresses the underlying causes of hormone imbalance rather than just masking symptoms.

Experience personalized care at Hormone Harmony Clinic today!

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalance

Because hormones work synergistically together throughout the body, an imbalance in one often causes disruptions in several others.

Some symptoms that could potentially point to a hormone deficiency include:

Symptoms in Men

- Low libido, erectile dysfunction - Loss of muscle mass - Weight gain around the midsection - Fatigue, lack of mental focus - Irritability and mood changes

Symptoms in Women

However, symptoms vary dramatically from one person to the next based on lifestyle habits, medical history, genetics, environmental exposures, and other factors. The only way to accurately determine if and which hormone levels are suboptimal is through blood, saliva, or urine testing.

We utilize state-of-the-art testing through leading functional medicine labs like ZRT. This enables us to identify imbalances not only in sex hormones like estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone, but also key hormonal precursors like DHEA and pregnenolone that are often overlooked.

Based on your test results, Dr. Smith will determine if bioidentical hormones are warranted, and if so, the precise ratios and delivery method tailored to your needs.

Hormone Harmony Clinic Comprehensive Treatment Protocol

If hormone testing reveals any deficiencies or imbalances, Dr. Smith will work with you to develop a customized replenishment and balancing protocol based on your labs and exam findings.

This will likely involve a combination of:

We also offer innovative therapies like:

Follow-Up Lab Testing

Follow-up blood or saliva testing is performed regularly at strategic intervals to monitor your hormone levels, make dosage adjustments if needed, and ensure you are progressing well throughout treatment. We also closely track subjective improvements in your symptoms and quality of life via validated questionnaires.

The goal is not just to optimize lab numbers, but enhance how you actually think and feel in daily life. This ensures you receive care tailored to your unique physiology and not based solely on averages or one-size-fits all approaches.

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are not necessarily safer or more effective than synthetic hormones for menopausal symptoms. Large, long-term studies comparing health outcomes of bioidenticals versus synthetics are lacking, so claims of superiority rely more on ideology than evidence.

Specific Bioidentical Hormones in Our Formulary

While dosage varies on a case-by-case basis based on lab testing and clinical evaluation, some of the key bioidentical hormones we provide include:


Estrogen deficiency is most common in perimenopause and postmenopause as ovarian estrogen synthesis declines. However, estrogen levels occasionally decline to suboptimal levels at earlier ages too due to medical interventions, high stress, hypothalamus-pituitary issues, or other factors disrupting its finely tuned feedback system.

Estrogen helps stabilize mood,Memory, sleep, heart health, bone density, urogenital tissues, skin quality and libido in both men and women. However, it must be balanced properly with progesterone in women to avoid estrogen dominance.

We offer bioidentical estradiol in oral, topical, sublingual, or pellet delivery forms to cater to individual patient needs and preferences.


Progesterone works synergistically with estrogen throughout the menstrual cycle and beyond menopause. It plays vital roles in supporting adrenal function, thyroid health, blood sugar regulation, brain function, and much more.

Progesterone deficiency is behind many symptoms women struggle with like PMS, irregular menstrual bleeding, anxiety, weight gain, and insomnia. Our progesterone cream helps reverse these by rebalancing the estrogen to progesterone ratio.

We provide USP-grade bioidentical progesterone in convenient oral capsules or creams absorbed directly through the skin. This gives women multiple effective options.


Testosterone regulates vital processes in both men and women around metabolism, muscle mass, motivation, cardiovascular health, and sexual health.

Restoring declining levels in aging men boosts strength, weight management, mood, drive and romantic intimacy. In women, testosterone improves sexual sensation, pleasure and satisfaction, energy, mental clarity and prevents vaginal atrophy while supporting urinary continence and control.

We offer bioidentical testosterone tailored specifically to restore optimal levels in the aging male and female physiology via creams, pellets and other proven methods.


DHEA is made by the adrenal glands and serves as the most abundant precursor from which other key sex steroid hormones like estrogen and testosterone and manufactured.

Blood testing helps us gauge when DHEA supplementation is warranted to help support healthy hormonal balance, immunity, metabolism, neurological health, musculoskeletal integrity and much more.

Both oral and topical bioidentical DHEA helps replenish waning levels as we age.

In addition to the above, we address thyroid deficiencies, cortisol issues, growth hormone imbalances, melatonin disruption and other hormonal problems using bioidentical hormones and targeted nutritional therapies.

A few key terms related to bioidentical hormone therapy:

Experience personalized care and enhance your quality of life!

Ideal Candidates for Our Bioidentical HRT Program

While both men and women can benefit immensely from properly administered bioidentical hormone therapy, the best candidates are those already living a reasonably healthy lifestyle who are:

This provides a strong foundation upon which targeted hormone replenishment can act synergistically to restore optimal wellness.

Those with more complex medical histories may need to first work on foundational health habits with our clinical coaching support before introducing bioidentical hormones.

Either way, we develop fully customized programs for every unique patient while helping them implement positive lifestyle changes.

Why Timely Treatment of Hormone Imbalance Matters

Hormone levels decline slowly and steadily as we advance through our 20’s, 30’s and beyond. This steady depletion can subtly undermine health for years before obvious disease symptoms manifest.

Therefore, the ideal approach is early detection via testing. This way deficiencies can be addressed before cumulative damage to vital body systems occurs.

Benefits of early detection and timely hormone balancing include:

In essence, properly administered bioidentical hormone therapy helps slow cellular aging processes, allowing you to live life with greater strength, clarity and enjoyment for more years to come. It compresses morbidity towards the very end of a well-lived life.

Hormone Harmony Clinic specializes in this "cellular health" approach focused on early optimization and prevention rather than disease treatment. We help patient’s maintain health, vitality and active participation in life’s joys rather than just masking disease symptoms after they’ve already developed.

Our Inviting Prescott Valley Location

We are centrally situated right near the Prescott Valley Public Library and civic center in the heart of town.

Our beautiful, modern clinic provides panoramic mountain views year round. The campus includes walking trails through healing gardens and quiet zones for mind-body relaxation between treatments. Grab a smoothie, read outdoors on a therapy hammock, listen to cascading waters...escape without having to escape!

We also partner with several spas, gyms,physical therapy and float tank centers in town that offer our patients special discounts. This makes enjoying the many health, adventure and nature activities here more affordable.

Some local favorites include:

Prescott Valley experiences four gentle seasons, each with its own magic. Cooler Fall weather allows pleasant daytime outdoor activity while bundling up in the evenings fireside. Summers offer a lively arts and entertainment scene alongside endless hiking. Even snowbirds find the dry winter cold here more tolerable than in other parts of the country, especially when warming one’s toes by a crackling fireplace!

Ideal seasons to start bioidentical hormone replenishment are Spring and early Fall when levels fluctuate the most. However, anytime is a good time to regain balance, energy and zest for living!

Affordability and Insurance Coverage

We offer transparent pricing with no hidden charges. Payment plans, cash pricing discounts and financing options make care accessible. Health spending accounts can offset treatment costs and some insurance plans cover portions of testing, physician consults and prescription refills when deemed medically necessary. Either way, our patient care coordinators help patients understand costs before committing so they can make fully informed choices.

Hormone Harmony Clinic believes vital hormone therapy should be available based on physiological need, not limited by financial status.


We hope this guide clarifies how properly customized bioidentical hormone therapy can help both men and women prevent disease, address deficiency symptoms, and enhance day-to-day health starting from the inside out regardless of age. Regulation is key.

Hormone Harmony Clinic stands ready to offer our full-spectrum regenerative care to anyone ready to reclaim their most empowered, passionate and purposeful self starting today. Call or visit us online to schedule your new patient appointment and lab testing.

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